400+ happy users

Education for the modern age.

Education for the modern age.

Free to download

Easy to setup

Built in collaboration with

Built in collaboration with

How it works

Learn, teach or parent your way.

Learn, teach or parent your way.

Learn, teach or parent your way.

Simple Pricing

Always free. Pro if you need it.

Free Plan

Free for most features.



Unlimited Learning

Unlimited Teaching

Unlimited Parenting

Free Plan

Free for most features.



Unlimited Learning

Unlimited Teaching

Unlimited Parenting

Free Plan

Free for most features.



Unlimited Learning

Unlimited Teaching

Unlimited Parenting


Minimal fee for advanced education.



Everything in Free Plan

Freeze Streaks

Join/create more classes

Add more children

Early access to new features


Minimal fee for advanced education.



Everything in Free Plan

Freeze Streaks

Join/create more classes

Add more children

Early access to new features


Minimal fee for advanced education.



Everything in Free Plan

Freeze Streaks

Join/create more classes

Add more children

Early access to new features

Infinilearn completely transformed the way I learn.

Infinilearn completely transformed the way I learn.

— Lilieanna Gomez

— Lilieanna Gomez


Break free from traditional learning.

Weather app image

Break free from traditional learning.

Weather app image

Break free from traditional learning.

Weather app image
Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know.

Everything you need to know.

Everything you need to know.

Got questions? We’ve got answers. Here’s everything you need to know before getting started.

Got questions? We’ve got answers. Here’s everything you need to know before getting started.

Is Infinilearn available for all devices?

Infinilearn is iOS/macOS/iPadOS exclusive for now - stay tuned for an Android and Quest launch next month!

How easy is it to get started?

Who is Infinilearn for??

What’s the difference between free and Pro plans?

Can I cancel my plan anytime?

Is customer support available?

Is Infinilearn available for all devices?

Infinilearn is iOS/macOS/iPadOS exclusive for now - stay tuned for an Android and Quest launch next month!

How easy is it to get started?

Who is Infinilearn for??

What’s the difference between free and Pro plans?

Can I cancel my plan anytime?

Is customer support available?

Is Infinilearn available for all devices?

Infinilearn is iOS/macOS/iPadOS exclusive for now - stay tuned for an Android and Quest launch next month!

How easy is it to get started?

Who is Infinilearn for??

What’s the difference between free and Pro plans?

Can I cancel my plan anytime?

Is customer support available?

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